Thursday, September 13, 2007

NFS exports

Installation and configuration was a snap ; and in 10 minutes we had the filesystem exported and mounted on the target system.

It involved the following:

  1. package - nfs-user-server – the description from the
    package had these notes. hasn't been an issue for us so far.

    This package contains all necessary programs to make your Linux machine act as an NFS server, being an NFS daemon (rpc.nfsd), a mount daemon (rpc.mountd).Unlike other NFS daemons, this NFS server runs entirely in user space. This
    makes it a tad slower than other NFS implementations, and also introduces some awkwardnesses in the semantics (for instance, moving a file to a different directory will render its file handle
    . There is currently no support for file locking.

  2. Portmap had to be reconfigured to take out the loopback.

        • File changed:/etc/default/portmap

        • #OPTIONS="-i"

  3. Edited /etc/exports to add directory to export

    • /mnt/data3 (rw,sync,no_root_squash)

    • no_root_squash is to allow for root on the remote system to
      be root on the exported fs; we needed this to be able to write from
      tape extraction.

  4. Restarted nfs-user-server and portmap.

  5. showmount -e to confirm exports were successful